Friday, May 08, 2009

JJ Abrams interview

In The Guardian, Steve Rose talks to writer-director-producer JJ Abrams about Lost and the new Star Trek film (written by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman based on the TV series by Gene Roddenberry).
Like Spielberg, Abrams has been immersed in film-making for so long, he seems to have mastered every aspect of it. He appears to have an innate feel for entertainment that is cult yet mass-market, accessible but not dumb, polished and high-tech yet character-driven, zeitgeisty but infused with good old-fashioned storytelling. Abrams hasn't revolutionised film-making, though he may be perfecting it. What he has revolutionised, though, is the art of 21st-century entertainment. The movies and TV shows are just one feature in a landscape of viral marketing campaigns, merchandising tie-ins, spoiler alerts, online chat forums, fan blogs, websites that treat fictional worlds as real places, and so on. "People want to find magic," he says. "It's almost like a Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe thing. You want to find that secret. You want there to be some kind of portal between reality and fiction."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:43 am

    I haven't seen the full interview in the Guardian, but I hope it makes mention of JJ's father, Gerry, a real, old-fashioned Hollywood producer and consummate professional, the kind of producer who actually returns your phone calls even when he doesn't like your pitch.


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