Monday, August 24, 2009

TV networks want broader ratings

From Cynthia Littleton in Variety:
The nets [TV networks] are pushing for what's known as the "three-screen solution" -- a single rating that would combine the viewership of programs via TV or DVR, online and by mobile devices. Broadcast execs optimistically view it as a way for them to fight back against the tide of declining audience share for their mothership nets.

There's no certainty that advertisers will pay premium rates for such "cumed" ratings, but nets can't even make the pitch if they don't have reliable data to back it up.

1 comment:


    It makes sense because increasingly not only do viewers time-shift when watching but also they location-shift too. It's not important whether someone views a programme on telly, on-line or DVR, but writers do want to be paid when their work is viewed.

    Since the Guild is working hard to move to a pay-per-hit culture for royalties, a "three-screen solution" seems vital. Guesswork over who's watching what just won't do.


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